Expungements and Record Sealing

Having a criminal record can have far-reaching consequences. A criminal conviction can negatively affect employment, your right to bear arms, your right to vote, housing, education, and other essential opportunities. At Woolsey Morcom, we are committed to helping clients overcome these barriers by providing skilled representation in the expungement and record sealing process. Our experienced attorneys understand the complexities involved in Florida expungements and record sealing and are dedicated to guiding clients every step of the way. From determining initial expungement or sealing eligibility to handling the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) administrative application process which also involves the State Attorney’s Office, to preparing and arguing the petitions to expunge or seal in court, we ensure that past mistakes do not continue to impact your future.
Expungement and record sealing each offer different levels of privacy and protection, depending on individual needs and circumstances. Expungement completely removes a criminal record from public access and destroys any physical file and lawfully allows you to answer “no” on any job application that asks if you have ever been arrested or investigated before for a crime, effectively giving you a clean slate. Record sealing restricts access, limiting who can view your record.
Understanding expungement and record sealing laws is crucial, and a skilled attorney at Woolsey Morcom can help you navigate these regulations to secure a fresh start. Eligibility for these processes depends on various factors, including the offense type, time elapsed since the final disposition in court, whether the individual has any prior criminal convictions, and other specific legal requirements set forth by Florida’s expungement and sealing laws. Woolsey Morcom’s expungement and record sealing lawyers are highly knowledgeable about these eligibility requirements and prepared to assess your situation to determine the best course of action.
Our expungements attorneys work diligently to ensure that each stage of the process is handled with precision and care. Mistakes in paperwork or procedural errors can significantly delay or disrupt the expungement or sealing process. At Woolsey Morcom, we take a meticulous approach to preparing and submitting documents, making sure that everything is accurate and filed promptly. Our legal fee also includes skilled representation in any required court hearings, where we advocate strongly on behalf of clients seeking to expunge or seal their records, including those involving misdemeanors, felonies, or juvenile cases.
Whether the outcome is to fully expunge a record or to seal it for restricted access, our goal is to provide clients with peace of mind, knowing that their past no longer defines them. Our team is dedicated to empowering clients to regain privacy and control over their future. If you’re seeking a fresh start, an experienced expungements lawyer at Woolsey Morcom can guide you through the process of clearing your criminal record.
Contact us to get started.
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Locations Here to Serve You
Jacksonville Office – 630 West Adams Street, Suite 102 Jacksonville, FL 32204
Ponte Vedra Office – 203 Fort Wade Road, Suite 260, Ponte Vedra, FL 32081
Pensacola Office – 186 N. Palafox St, Suite 219, Pensacola, FL 32502
Palm Coast Office – 4 Office Park Dr, Pod 3, Suite B, Palm Coast, FL 32137
Fort Myers Office – 9160 Forum Corporate Pkwy, Suite 350, Ft. Myers, FL 33904
San Antonio, TX Office – 200 E Grayson St, Suite 210, San Antonio, TX 87215