Settlements & Judgments
Below is a representation of the types of cases and outcomes the attorneys of Woolsey Morcom have resolved by settlement or judgment. Woolsey Morcom is committed to fighting for justice for every client, regardless of the type or size of their case. These results do not constitute a guarantee or prediction regarding the outcome of your case.
Wrongful Death
Woolsey Morcom represented the family of an elderly man who was not provided proper care at an assisted living facility. The negligence of the facility resulted in the man’s death. Woolsey Morcom took the case to trial and received a $20 million verdict against the facility and the owners of the facility.
Wrongful Death
Our client’s middle school-aged child was struck and killed by a car while walking across the street after school.
Auto Accident
Our client was involved in an accident with a commercial vehicle. He was transported from the scene with major injuries that required immediate surgery.
Wrongful Death
Our client was shot and killed outside of a night club.
Motorcycle Accident
Our client was riding their motorcycle when a vehicle collided with them. They were transported from the scene with major injuries. We recovered policy limits within 4 months pre-suit.
Property Damage
Our client’s insurance claim was wrongfully denied when the commercial property they own was damaged in a hurricane.
Motorcycle Accident
We obtained a settlement for $900,000 for a motorcyclist injured in an accident.
Auto Accident
Our client was rear-ended by a dump truck and sustained major injuries. We fought to help him recover medical expenses as well as the loss of income due to the accident.
Auto Accident
Our client was rear-ended by a dump truck and sustained major injuries. We fought to help him recover medical expenses as well as the loss of income due to the accident.
Auto Accident
A police officer was struck by a drunk driver while working in his capacity as an officer. He suffered a fractured hip from the impact and based on his injuries we were able to aggressively litigate this matter on his behalf and obtain a significant settlement.
Wrongfully Denied Life Insurance
Woolsey Morcom successfully represented an active duty servicemember in obtaining policy limits on a life insurance policy for a deceased spouse. Our attorneys were able to prove that the claim was wrongfully denied based on a faulty review of medical records by the insurance company. The claim decision was immediately reversed, and the insurance proceeds were paid out.
Personal Injury
Confidential settlement reached.
Auto Accident
Our client was involved in a low-speed low-impact car accident and sustained multiple injuries. We took the case to trial and were awarded a significant settlement by jury verdict.
Confidential Settlement
Auto Accident
Our client, a family of four, was struck by another vehicle. The family sought medical attention for their injuries and we were able to recover a significant settlement on their behalf without filing a lawsuit.
Premises Liability
Our client was stabbed with a beer bottle at a music festival. We were able to litigate this matter and argue security at the festival was inadequate which led to a significant settlement.
Property Damage
Our client’s home was severely damaged during Hurricane Ian. The initial claim on their homeowners insurance was denied. Our first party property team filed a law suit on behalf of our client against their insurance company and were able to recover full damages as well as attorney fees.
Motorcycle Accident
Our clients were riding their motorcycle when a vehicle collided with them. They were transported from the scene and we recovered full policy limits from multiple carriers withing 60 days of the accident.
Property Damage
Our team of property damage attorneys worked with a local Jacksonville business that sustained significant damage from Hurricane Irma. Although the insurance company denied the claim, Woolsey Morcom was able to successfully argue that the storm damage was in fact covered by the insurance policy. The business owner was able to recoup the funds necessary to put the home in a pre-loss condition, as well as attorney fees.
Life Insurance Claim Denial
Life insurance claim denial where client had been turned down by multiple prior law firms. We took the case and got the full policy plus interest prior to a lawsuit.
Auto Accident
Pre-suit settlement for client who collided with another vehicle. Required surgical intervention and policy limits were obtained within 3 months.
Auto Accident
Our client was driving a vehicle that was hit by a reckless speeding driver and sustained knee injuries after their vehicle flipped several times. The at-fault driver had no bodily injury insurance coverage, so all recovery was against our client’s uninsured motorist coverage.
Auto Accident
Our client was involved in a significant car accident resulting in injuries, ultimately requiring surgery. The client expressed a desire for a swift resolution. Woolsey Morcom acted quickly to present a very aggressive demand, which led to the insurance company for the at-fault driver and the uninsured motorist tendering the full policy limits.
Property Damage
Our client’s house experienced damaged directly related to Hurricane Ian. We were able to recover full damages from the insurance company after they tried to get away with under-paying our client’s initial claim.
Auto Accident
Parking lot accident where client suffered injuries.
Auto Accident
Our client was driving a vehicle that was t-boned by a driver who failed to yield to oncoming traffic and sustained injuries to her eye. We obtained the maximum policy limits of $100,000.00 from the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier and pursued the client’s UM carrier.
Motocycle Accident
Motorcycle accident where a vehicle negligently collided with client. Policy limits tender.
Property Damage
Our client’s home experienced water damage directly related to a storm. The homeowners insurance company denied their claim. We hired a team of experts to help prove the damage did in fact come from the storm and used that information to successfully argued that the damages were covered under their existing homeowners insurance policy.
Auto Accident
Low speed impact where client required pain management. Pre-suit settlement.
Auto Accident
A husband and wife were in a car accident and sustained injuries they treated were immediately for. We were able to settle pre-suit based on their medical records.
Auto Accident
Our client was driving a vehicle that was hit from behind by a driver who failed to stop at a stop sign. Disputed liability. We obtained the maximum policy limits from the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier and pursued our client’s UM carrier.
Battery by Store Employee
Our client was inappropriately groped by a store employee. Despite the store arguing that the employee did not mean to touch our client, we were able to obtain the CCTV video and an admission by the employee proving the contrary. The case settled in mediation shortly thereafter.
Auto Accident
A husband and wife were in a car accident and sustained injuries they treated were immediately for. We were able to settle pre-suit based on their medical records.
Auto Accident
A police officer was rear-ended while in his patrol vehicle. He sustained injuries that required medical treatment. We were able to resolve this matter without filing a lawsuit on his behalf.
Auto Accident
Our client was driving a vehicle that was hit from behind by a driver who failed to stop at a red light. We obtained the maximum policy limits from the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier and the maximum limits from our client’s UM carrier.
Auto Accident
Our clients were driving a vehicle that was hit by a driver who failed to yield.
Auto Accident
Our client’s vehicle was hit from behind by a driver who failed to stop at a red light. They sustained minimal injuries.